Eric Lau CPA & Co.
We assure you of our best services

Fees schedule for setting up a Hong Kong company:

To register a Hong Kong company, we provide the following services and company records including:
(The fee is HKD6000/RMB5800, including the business registration certificate fee of HK$2150 and the company incorporation fee of HK$1,720)

A. Company certification documents
1. Search company name
2. Company registered address
3. Articles of Association
4. Certificate of Incorporation (CI)
5. Business Registration Certificate (Business License)
6. Company Incorporation Form (NNC1)
7. One square and one round shape seal of the company

B. Company records required by the HK Companies Registry
8. Register of directors
9. Register of shareholders
10. Company Secretary Register
11. Significant Controllers Register
12. Letter of appointment of designated representative

C. Other useful files
13. IRBR200 (Notification of Commencement of Business)
14. First board resolution
15. Application form for company shares
16. Letter of appointment as director
17. Letter of appointment as company secretary
18. Charge Register (applicable to mortgage)
19. Stock certificates
If you are interested in setting up a Hong Kong company, please click to download the application form.

For each year we will provide:
(The fee is HKD4500/RMB4300, including the business registration certificate fee of HKD2150 and the Companies Registry fee of HK$105)

1. Filing Annual Return (AR1)
2. Hold annual general meeting
3. Submit the business registration certificate fee of HKD2150 and the Companies Registry fee of HK$105
4. Changes in shareholder and director registry
5. Share transfer forms
6. Maintenance of the above (B Company records) and (C Other useful files)

Please note:
A company incorporated in Hong Kong must have at least one shareholder, one director and one company secretary, and the company secretary must be a Hong Kong resident. If a company has only one director, the director cannot also serve as the company secretary.

How to register a new company

Contact information

Contact us




Room 605, Hang Bong Commercial Centre, 28 Shanghai Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Room 303, No. 75, No. 555 Huguang Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, PRC

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